Yeggy’s work

June 8, 2023 / Comments Off on Yeggy’s work

Yeggy at work!    

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June 8, 2023 / Comments Off on ARTE NOIR EDITORIAL

ARTE NOIR EDITORIAL   BETWEEN SEATTLE AND ERITREA, YEGIZAW MICHAEL FUSES ART + COMMUNITY   Seattle, like so many American cities, is not unique in its “out with the old, in with the new” mentality when it comes to physical structures. As much as there is a push to include art in new development and…

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June 2, 2023 / Comments Off on Awards
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Visual Rhythm

June 2, 2023 / Comments Off on Visual Rhythm
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Installation at Seattle Flag Day Festival

April 26, 2023 / Comments Off on Installation at Seattle Flag Day Festival

Seattle CityClub is thrilled to announce that award-winning artist Yeggy Michael will create an art installation for a new festival that celebrates civic life for all Seattleites. Flag Day Festival: Celebrating Seattle’s Civic Life on June 14 is a free public event which will feature a naturalization ceremony for new citizens, a “sworn again” oath-taking…

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Now Hanging at Seattle Mayor’s Office

April 26, 2023 / Comments Off on Now Hanging at Seattle Mayor’s Office

Yeggy is honored to have his paintings hanging in Seattle Mayor’s  office, right next to the work of the famous Jacob Lawrence! This showing is part of the Seattle Public Utilities Portable Works program, which collects artwork for display at Seattle Public Utilities locations and other City of Seattle offices. Seattle has done a remarkable…

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All That is Left Behind

April 26, 2023 / Comments Off on All That is Left Behind

Starting in January Yeggy’s “Left Behind” installation, along with several paintings, will be featured at the Kennedy Museum of Art as part of a group show called Wax and Gold: Contemporary Artists from the Horn of Africa. Wax and Gold exhibits for the first time a group of artists from several countries in the Horn of Africa,…

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New Public Installation at Yesler Terra

April 26, 2023 / Comments Off on New Public Installation at Yesler Terra

Yeggy’s latest public installation entitled “Harmony” was featured on the Seattle Globalist. “Harmony” is a seven foot tall mosaic sculpture that weaves a message of multiculuralism and peace at Kebero Court, the first new building to be constructed in the Yesler Terrace redevelopment. The Yesler Terrace low income housing community is home to a large…

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